Why should I use Preserve on my Christmas tree?

Needles on a freshly cut Christmas tree should stay soft and green a long time. Never buy a tree if the needles feel dry and some fall off when you touch them. A well cared for tree should normally remain fresh at least three to four weeks. Preserve can help a fresh tree stay fresh and enhance the beauty of your natural Christmas tree. So, some tips for Christmas tree care include …

  • Giving it plenty of water – up to 1 gallon per day with Preserve
  • Keeping it away from the drying effects of direct sunlight or heat vents (as much as possible)
  • Using LED lights (they produce less drying heat)

What if my pet drinks Preserve?

Please try to keep Preserve out of the reach of pets. However, if your pet should take a lick, it is highly unlikely that it would be harmful. Make sure your pet has plenty of water to drink. If there is any sign of illness, you may choose to call your vet.

What should I do with the Christmas tree after the holidays?

We always recommend recycling; your local government may offer tree recycling. Here is some information on how a number of communities are recycling Christmas trees - http://www.christmastree.org/recycle.cfm.

And, the Preserve bottle (HDPE 2) is recyclable too!